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ouglas Auka, a veterinarian, is leading the livestock spraying campaign in Nyamira County on behalf of Jeremiah Migosi. The campaign will cover the entire county to assist farmers with livestock disease management. Photo/Arnold Ageta.
ouglas Auka, a veterinarian, is leading the livestock spraying campaign in Nyamira County on behalf of Jeremiah Migosi. The campaign will cover the entire county to assist farmers with livestock disease management. Photo/Arnold Ageta.


By Arnold Ageta

It is a chilly Tuesday morning in Bonyunyu village, Itibo ward in Nyamira County as farmers gather in different centers along the roads, waiting for their livestock to be sprayed.

Most of the farmers who have turned up for the livestock spraying campaign are needy and struggling farmers who are unable to afford the chemicals for livestock spraying.

The residents have defied the cold and chilly weather to receive free spraying services that have been brought to their doorsteps and the comfort of their homes.

Jeremiah Migosi, a senatorial aspirant in Nyamira County, has brought this service to rural farmers who find it difficult to spray their livestock due to poverty, which limits livestock outputs.

Migosi’s livestock spraying campaign has been warmly received by the residents across the county, who say this is a unique assistance to smallholder farmers who are vulnerable.

Charles Mesa, a beneficiary of the campaign, has applauded the initiative, saying it has come at the right time when they needed it most because of the tough economic times.

“Nowadays, we do not use the public cattle dips that used to be in all the villages,” he said. “This program at our homes is helpful because the cattle are at the homestead gates and entrances and then back home without disturbance.”

Mesa opined that Migosi has done well in the exercise, saying smallholder farmers who depend solely on livestock have a reason to smile due to the relief in the routine spraying.

“I would like him to also consider other programs that help the most vulnerable people in society to encourage them in farming,” he pleaded. “If our outputs are increased, that means our children will get school fees.”

Youths working for Jeremiah Migosi spraying cattle at Itibo Ward. The program has employed at least 10 youths to run the program. Photo/Arnold Ageta.
Youths working for Jeremiah Migosi spraying cattle at Itibo Ward. The program has employed at least 10 youths to run the program. Photo/Arnold Ageta.

Spraying of livestock is beneficial because it helps to keep them healthy and increase milk production, which in turn helps the farmer to get added income.

Douglas Auka, a veterinary officer who is leading the exercise on behalf of Jeremiah Migosi, said that this program is mainly seeking to spray livestock against skin immunity issues, East Coast fever, ringworms, and ticks.

“When livestock is not sprayed, they suffer from East Coast fever, which makes the cattle not graze or eat well, shake, and affects milk production,” he insisted.

He recommends that cattle should be sprayed every two weeks, depending on the manufacturing company and type of chemical used, as directed by the veterinary.

“For us, we are using Actraz Acaricide, which is expensive but has several other uses besides prevention from ticks,” he said. Since the inception of the program, they have so far sprayed livestock in 12 villages, and at the end of today’s exercise, they have reached 3,500 cattle.

“This is a continuous exercise that will cut across the county for the next two years and beyond,” said Auka. “Besides livestock sprays, we are giving farmers chemicals for their crops for those who do not have livestock so that they can also benefit from this program.”

Gwanchare ‘A’ village elder, Joseph Oreri, who is guiding the spraying team, has confirmed a positive response from the residents who have turned out in large numbers for the free services.

“Many thought that they were rumors, but now they have confirmed that indeed the services are free,” Oreri said.

He agreed that the program has been embraced by many farmers, saying Jeremiah Migosi has chosen the right strategy to reach out to the needy in the rural areas who are mostly ignored by many leaders.

“To be honest, there are many people who are unable to afford spray chemicals for their livestock and cannot spray them as required,” he disclosed.

Another beneficiary, Jackline Ondari, who was excited for the free spraying service, said this is a lifetime experience that they have never experienced before.

“I have never sprayed my cattle since I bought them and I am glad Migosi came to help us,” she said. “Since I was born, I have never seen an aspirant offering free spraying services.”

Like Jackline, Carren Nyanchoka has praised Migosi, saying he has displayed great leadership qualities that many lack.

“We thank our son for giving us free spraying services and we will support him in the elections ahead,” she promised. “We need such leaders who put vulnerable people first as opposed to those who give handouts.”

incent Mong'are, one of the youths working for Jeremiah Migosi, talking to the media during one of the spraying exercises. Photo/Arnold Ageta.
incent Mong’are, one of the youths working for Jeremiah Migosi, talking to the media during one of the spraying exercises. Photo/Arnold Ageta.

This program has also created jobs for some youths who are leading the program across the county.

Currently, Migosi has engaged at least 10 youths who are spraying livestock. One of the youths, Vincent Mong’are, who has been spraying livestock since the program started, has been jobless. He says the program has provided a platform to earn some income as he hopes to get a permanent job in the future.

“Most of the youths in the county are unemployed and I am lucky that I got this engagement, which gives me some income instead of staying at home doing nothing,” said Mong’are.

Again, he said, it is satisfying to be involved in offering humanitarian services to the vulnerable in society.

“It feels good to see how people are happy with the services we offer to them for free and how they appreciate the services,” he concluded.

Jeremiah Migosi’s popularity is growing and spreading in the county following his unique initiatives that are impactful in society. The youthful politician is seeking to dethrone the current senator, Okong’o O’mogeni.

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