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Managing post-harvest losses – Arnold Ageta

Post-harvest losses that are a major concern among small scale farmers in Kenya due to, among others, lack of proper storage facilities and a ready market for their produce. To address this, a group of techies came…Listen Here

Eldama Ravine Farmers Combat Climate Change with Silage Success – Arnold Ageta

Tackling effects of climate change is often a challenge to many small-scale farmers especially in arid and semi-arid areas.     With unpredictable weather patterns, many farmers are not sure of their farming calendar…Listen Here

Turkana County Faces Malnutrition Crisis Amidst Devastating Drought – Arnold Ageta

Due to the effects of climate change in the world, Turkana has been hit most. The county has not received rain for three years now. Turkana Governor, Jeremiah Lomorukai, says the drought has gone beyond the nor…Listen Here

Nyamira County inaugurates drone flights to deliver emergency medical commodities – Arnold Ageta

Nyamira Governor, Amos Nyaribo has today (Wednesday, June 21, 2023) inaugurated the delivery of emergency and essential medical commodities to its facilities in within the county…Listen Here

Speaker of the County Assembly of Nyamira faults Ruto on Matiang’i home raid

Listen to Nyamira County Assembly Speaker Hon. Okero speak on the raid of former CS Matiang’i home yesterday night…Listen here

Rural organizations doing pumpkin value addition in Nyamira – Arnold Ageta

Pumpkin farming in Nyamira is not valued as maize, tea and coffee. A community based organization has now started pumpkin value addition to produce pumpkin products. Listen here

Farmers shun maize farming for vegetable farming – Arnold Ageta

Most rural small scale farmers in Kenya depend on maize farming as their main source of income. They have now moved into indigenous vegetable. Why? Listen here



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