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Nyamira residents challenged to embrace indigenous species

The country targets to plant 15 billion trees in the next 10 years to help mitigate the effects of climate change in the country that has had adverse effects. Indigenous trees are best when it comes to holding the soil firm…Read More

UNEA-6 ministerial declaration pledges for a pollution-free world and climate restoration

In our quest to confront the monumental environmental challenges of our time—climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution—there is but one path forward: teamwork. We share one Earth, bask under the same sun…Read More

Environmental advocates demand binding global plastics Treaty at UNEA-6

Our planet is drowning in plastic, a crisis intricately linked to the fossil fuel industry. Member states are allowing fossil fuel interests to drive the treaty negotiations and water down its ambition. Ending the corporate…Read More

Breaking Boundaries: COP28 Achieves Historic ‘UAE Consensus’ for Ambitious Global Climate Action

I promised a different sort of COP. A COP that brought everyone together – private and public…civil society and faith leaders, youth and indigenous peoples. Everyone came together from day one. Everyone united, acted…Read More

Historic UAE Consensus Marks the Conclusion of COP28: A New Era of Climate Action

The world just witnessed a historic moment as 198 Parties united at COP28 to deliver The UAE Consensus, setting a new era of climate action in motion! The ambitious plan calls for a shift away from fossil fuels, triples…Read More

Mtopanga: Breathing a new life to a ‘dead’ river

The members started their efforts by conducting regular river clean-up, where they would fish out plastic and other garbage from the river before it reached the ocean. However, with time, their efforts proved futile as res…Read More

COP28: Decades of insufficient action at climate talks strengthens call for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

This is not economic suicide. We are talking here about an ‘omnicide’, the risk of extinction of life on the planet. Here we are avoiding ‘omnicide’ on planet Earth. It is evident that small states are taking up the mantle to fig..Read More

Kenya in Crisis: Devastating floods claim 130 lives, displace thousands

At least 120 people have been killed and 80,000 displaced by massive flooding caused by El Nino rains across Kenya as the East African country suffers an increased intensity in climate risks. The dry areas were still recove…Read More

Creating jobs, economic empowerment in Kenya through renewable energy

Many do not believe that they can use solar for cooking, but I can assure you that if the solar panels installed produce at least 3000 watts, it is as efficient as electricity. Solar energy is environmentally friendly and does not…Read More

Debt Relief vs. Climate Finance: Sub-Saharan Africa’s Dilemma

Companies can purchase these carbon credits to compensate for emissions they cannot eliminate from their own operations, thereby helping them achieve their climate targets. Each credit represents a saving or avoid…Read More

USAID’s $35 Million Climate Crusade in Africa to build resilience and hope

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced several investment initiatives to support climate action in Africa, aiming to combat the effects of climate change. Addressing the media at the…Read More

President William Ruto declares green economy as the global future

You have not just stepped into a conference hall; you have entered the future—a future ripe with potential, driven by global partnerships, committed to African prosperity, inclusive growth…Read More

Climate change’s wrath on Kenyan agriculture: Battling adversity on the front lines

As the effects of rising temperatures continue to change environments and lives in unexpected ways around the world, genetically modified seeds have been touted as one solution to Covid’s effects on food production…Read More

The Seeds of Controversy: Battling Drought and the GMO Debate

As the effects of rising temperatures continue to change environments and lives in unexpected ways around the world, genetically modified seeds have been touted as one solution to Covid’s effects on food production…Read More

GCA to help build institutional capacity in Kenyan municipalities in partnership with World Bank

Urban communities often bear the brunt of climate change impacts due to their unique vulnerabilities as well as their exposure to climate-related risks and hazards such as floods and droughts…Read More

Global Environment Facility Council launches the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund

The Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) governing board has approved plans to establish a “game-changing” new fund to finance the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which…Read More

Uniting African, Caribbean, and Pacific Nations: Building a Strong Joint Coalition for Climate Financing

Climate financing has been a critical and ongoing topic of discussion among nations for several decades as the urgency to combat climate change and its devastating effects continues to grow. It is widely recognized…Read More

How Kenyan tea factories are chasing the green-economy strategy

One is ushered here by the cool ambience; the air has just been purified and the experience is quite refreshing. Indeed, anyone who has visited tea factories in other parts of the country and seen smoke billowing…Read More

Over 55 million people facing acute food insecurity in the IGAD region

Over 55 million people are facing acute hunger and require urgent food, nutrition, and livelihood assistance. This is an increase of over 13 million from 2021 according to the latest IGAD Regional Focus of the Global…Read More

World Meteorological Congress new strategic priorities for an era of rapid climate

Climate change is already affecting every region on Earth, in multiple ways. Extreme and high-impact weather, water and climate extremes have devastating consequences for the safety of people, national economies…Read More

President Ruto mobilizes action ahead of Africa Climate Summit

His Excellency William S. Ruto, President of the Republic of Kenya, visited the floating headquarters of the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) in Rotterdam (in May) to participate in a Strategic Dialogue on the…Read More

Human security risks related to climate change in the Horn of Africa

There is a growing and intense debate on whether human security risks related to climate change could become the hard security threats of tomorrow…Read  More

Kenya Power pledges expansion to accommodate e-mobility

In the last two years, the country has witnessed an unprecedented interest from local and international stakeholders looking into investing and developing Kenya’s e-mobility sector…Read More

Dry conditions expected in the northern parts of the Greater Horn of Africa

IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) has today (May 24) announced that the June to September 2023 forecast shows high chances of drier than usual conditions..Read More

The pangs of climate change in West Pokot

Unfortunately, when drought knocks their doors, they are forced to move from one place to another in search of pasture and water for their cattle. Women and children, people living with disabilities and the elderly…Read More

World Meteorological Organization warning on El Niño

A warming El Niño event is expected to develop in the coming months after three consecutive years of an unusually stubborn and protracted La Niña which influenced temperature and rainfall patterns in different…Read More

Dry Conditions to stretch to May

IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) has warned that the current drought is likely to stretch into the month of May this year. This follows the persistent drought condition that has been…Read More

Alarm as Wetlands in Nyamira County Diminish

The wetlands in Nyamira are drying up because of human activities and fast rising population that is oblivious of the debilitating impact of the mess they are …READ MORE

Challenges of climate change on farming

This area was one of the most affected–you must have heard news in the media that people in Nuu’ in Mwingi were feeding on dogs because…READ MORE