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Farmers rally behind reforms as ex-directors face voter backlash

Former directors who were pushed out of office by the government in 2020, after the enactment of the new Tea Act, 2020, consider the current directors as government projects, while farmers see them as saviors. The farm…Read More

Families bound by the heritage of coffee farming

My coffee history dates back to first world war, 1918. The white settlers were given our land and our great grandparents were misplaced. Our parents came this way to look for jobs. The wazungus here were pla…Read More

Nyaribo launches an ambitious dairy initiative in Nyamira County

Nyamira county governor Amos Nyaribo has launched an ambitious revamped dairy farming campaign in the county to boost milk production in the county saying the county has a potential of 240 million litres…Read More

British International Investment Pledges $26.5 Million to Bolster Food Security in Nigeria, Kenya, and Uganda with AFEX

 Its capital will also scale warehouse technology and next-generation software that captures post-harvest pricing. Smart storage solutions have the potential to preserve the lifespan of harvested crops, and so increasing the volume of food avail…Read More

Entrepreneur Transforms Banana Fiber into Eco-Friendly Products

Banana plant stems are often underutilized after the fruit is harvested. They require significant effort to extract from the ground, and farmers must then painstakingly crush the plant waste into small pieces for use as crop…Read More

Climate change’s wrath on Kenyan agriculture: Battling adversity on the front lines

Unprecedented changes in weather patterns and rising temperatures linked to climate change are wreaking havoc on Kenya’s agricultural sector, jeopardizing food security and livelihoods for millions of farmers across the…Read More

The Seeds of Controversy: Battling Drought and the GMO Debate

As the effects of rising temperatures continue to change environments and lives in unexpected ways around the world, genetically modified seeds have been touted as one solution to Covid’s effects on food production…Read More

Rural women using modern farming technologies to reap big

It is early Tuesday morning in Ebate village, Magombo ward in Nyamira County. Farmers are arriving in the village in groups. Their faces are filled with enthusiasm and joy as they prepare to host the farmers’ exhibition…Read More

The rise of towering home gardens in Nyanchwa residence

The gardens are made of special fibre sacks, and they are about a metre high. They are filled with composite manure and mixed with soil…Read More

Challenges of climate change on farming

The farmers in the area complained of seeds not germinating, poor crop yields, and a large number of weak and finally dead livestock because the seasonal rivers dried up and there was little or no rain. This forced…Read More

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