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Lawyer Elkanah Mogaka addressing the media outside Mombasa Law Courts. He is representing Joyce Mueni in the case against Sverre Ingvar.

By TWN Team

A new twist in the case involving a Mombasa businessman and his wife has emerged after the businessman was discovered to have transferred his land, property, and money in his accounts to his girlfriend.

This follows the freezing of all accounts associated with Sverre Ingvar Asmervik by the High Court. Fresh details emerging indicate that all accounts have been emptied.

According to his wife, Joyce Mueni, all personal accounts of her husband have been emptied and the money transferred.”

“Sverre Ingvar Asmervik has moved all his money to his girlfriend (Selina Dela Mwatsuma) personal accounts besides signing over his entire company with over KSh. 100 million properties to her,” she alleges.

She further alludes that they are planning to escape capture of funds and properties by the court and the her.

This was discovered when Elkanah Mogaka, Joyce Mueni’s lawyer, was trying to serve court orders on lands and banks.

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Joyce Mueni has gone back to court in an urgent motion to freeze all company and girlfriend’s assets to stop further transfers.

Her lawyer, Elkanah Mogaka, says that they have court orders certifying this matter as urgent and will be heard next week.

“We intend to freeze all company and girlfriend’s assets at the hearing,” he added.

Photo of Sverre Ingvar Asmervik and Joyce Mueni enjoying some good moments together before the relationship went sour.

In a sworn affidavit seen by Tidal Wave News, Sverre Ingvar Asmervik, who was the director of Ingvar Investment Ltd, indicates that he had resigned both as a director and shareholder of the company.

“That since then I have resigned as both director and shareholder of the said company (Ingvar Investment Company with immediate effect and transferred the one thousand shares that I held in the company to Selina Dela Mwatsuma, the incoming director/shareholder in the company,” read part of the affidavit.

The affidavit which is dated July 5, 2021 further states that Ingavr does not wish to continue as the director and shareholder in the said company.

In a letter dated July 5, 2021 to the registrar of companies, Sverre notifies the registrar of his resignation and ask the registrar to accept his resignation.

“I hereby acknowledge and agree that I have no claim of whatever nature against the company or any of its subsidiaries,” read the letter.

In a notice of appointment of directors and their particulars lodged by Sverre , dated July 5, 2021, Selina Dela Mwatsuma is appointed as the director of Ingvar Investment Ltd.

The interpartes hearing of this case has been set for March 22, 2024.

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