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Sverre Ingvar Asmervik of Ingvar Investment Limited has been barred from selling his properties until his case is heard and determined. Photo/Courtesy

By TWN Team

The Mombasa High Court has today issued orders restraining Sverre Ingvar Asmervik, his agents, servants, and/or employees from alienating, disposing, selling, encumbering, assigning, transferring, or in any other like manner dealing with the properties owned by both Ingvar Investment Limited and the Respondent.

This follows a case where his wife, Joyce Mueni George, had taken him to court on suspicion that he was planning to sell his properties and flee the country.

She had asked the court to stop her husband, Sverre Ingvar Asmervik, from selling his properties until her case is heard and determined.

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She had stated that their marriage and love had gone sour and she wanted their marriage to be annulled.

The court today granted her prayers and ordered him to table all known matrimonial properties acquired during the subsistence of the marriage and to submit all title documents and any documents pertaining to the properties pending inter-parties hearing and final disposition of this Application.

In her prayers, she had also prayed that, again, the court ordered that Sverre Ingvar Asmervik’s passport be deposited in the court to prevent him from fleeing the country.

Joyce Mueni is suing for divorce after allegedly discovering her husband was in multiple love relationships, something which she is unable to bear.

In her suit, Joyce Mueni, through Elkanah Mogaka and Associates Advocates, claims she is entitled to 50 percent of their properties.

“That this Honourable Court be and is hereby pleased to issue an order to the Respondent to table all known matrimonial properties acquired during the subsistence of the marriage and to submit all title documents and any documents pertaining to the properties pending inter-partes hearing and final disposition of this application,” read the orders.

The hearing will be on 16th April, 2024.

Read more about the petition here.

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