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ECAP Founder Douglas Onkeo shows Rani of the Ramichandani Initiative something on paper as Lawyer Philemon Morara Apiemi looks on at Sironga during the event where PLWDs were issued mobility devices. Photo/Arnold Ageta
Empowered Citizenry Against Poverty (ECAP) Founder Douglas Onkeo shows Rani of the Ramichandani Initiative something on paper as Lawyer Philemon Morara Apiemi looks on at Sironga during the event where PLWDs were issued mobility devices. Photo/Arnold Ageta

By Arnold Ageta

People living with disabilities (PLWDs) in Nyamira had a reason to smile today after receiving various mobility devices and equipment from different organizations during a ceremony held at Sironga, in Bogichora ward.

The event, organized by Empowered Citizenry Against Poverty (ECAP) in partnership with the Ramichandani Initiative, AGC Tenwek Hospital, and Lawyer Philemon Morara Apiemi, brought together PLWDs from across the county.

ECAP, which operates in Nyamira, partnered with these organizations and Philemon Apiemi to empower the less fortunate in the community.

“We thank Lawyer Philemon Apiemi, who ensured that the devices and equipment were delivered to Nyamira for distribution to the beneficiaries,” said Douglas Onkeo of ECAP.

Mr. Onkeo regretted that many of these PLWDs are often forgotten in society and urged leaders to join hands to empower them.

“Most of the beneficiaries have different disabilities, and we want to assist them where we can so that they feel part of us regardless of their disability,” he added.

He further stated that they would issue sanitary towels to girls in various schools in the county to improve their morale and keep them in school.

Among the beneficiary primary schools are Marindi, Kenyambi, Sironga, Nyamira, and Nyairicha Special School.

“They will receive sanitary towels, pens, exercise books, and soaps to support them in their daily lives as they concentrate on their studies,” said Onkeo.

Lawyer Philemon Morara Apiemi, the guest of honor and partner in the program, said that it is a privilege to be part of the exercise of giving back to the community.

He mentioned that the program gives him satisfaction because it helps the vulnerable in society, including PLWDs, girls, and young lads.

A woman smiles when she received a wheel chair. She is one of the 26 beneficiaires who were happy for the support .
A woman smiles as she receives a wheelchair. She is one of the 26 beneficiaries who are grateful for the support. Photo/Arnold Ageta

“I thank the partners who have made this possible to help the most disadvantaged in a small way to touch their lives,” he said. “I ask the county government to chip in because there are many PLWDs in the county who need serious help.”

He also noted that this role touches on the Women MP, who represents special interests in society like women, youth, and people living with disabilities.

“I call upon the county government and the Women MP to consider these disadvantaged groups in society,” he said. “We cannot eradicate poverty in our society if we cannot help the vulnerable, especially PLWDs.”

The founder of the Ramichandani Initiative, Rani, said they have been assisting PLWDs across the country. According to Rani, the initiative has so far donated more than 10,000 mobility devices throughout the country.

“Today, we are partnering with Empowered Citizenry Against Poverty (ECAP), our hosts here, to touch the lives of PLWDs,” she said. “We tell parents not to hide children with disabilities but to let them enjoy their rights as other normal children do.”

A PLWD uses his phone to record the events at Sironga, where they received mobility devices to help them move from one point to another in their day-to-day activities. Photo/Arnold Ageta

She further stated that their organization is ready to partner with them in empowering those children with mobility devices and other programs they implement in society.

“Our priority as an organization is PLWD

s, especially young school-going children and working people,” she emphasized. “We support them with small business grants for hawking items and also open kiosks for others to earn a living.”

A total of 26 customized wheelchairs were issued, while others benefitted from 20 white canes and 5 walking frames. School-going children received sanitary towels, books, pencils, and pens.

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