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Nyamira Women Representative, Jerusha Momanyi addressing the public at Nasari Market, Bokeira Ward when he donated a tent to Kiomara Welfare Association. Photo/Arnold Ageta


By Arnold Ageta

The women representative for Nyamira County, Jerusha Momanyi, has today asked residents of Bokeira ward to embrace unity in their search for economic empowerment.

She assured her commitment to empower organized groups to boost them economically as they engage in their economic activities.

“I have come here to donate this tent to Kiomara Welfare Association under the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF),” she announced.

She said, “NGAAF is committed to addressing the plight of vulnerable groups by reducing poverty and inequality through enhanced access to financial facilities for socio-economic empowerment among women, youth, Persons with Disabilities, needy children and elderly persons in the country.”

The group leadership appreciated the support from the Women Representative saying, the group has found a stepping stone from where they will build and grow the association.

Jerusha, who many are proposing to go for the top county job, said she will solve water problems in schools because that falls under affirmative action.

She told the public that she has been supplying water tanks to schools in the county and promised to deliver more in Bokeira ward if there are schools that did not receive them.

“Those schools which did not receive water tanks in Bokeira they will be delivered soon,” she promised.

She opposed the idea of schools sending students to fetch water from rivers because they are young.

“Those are young girls who cannot decide by themselves…instead of being sent to fetch water, exposing them to some temptations on their way to the rivers,” said Jerusha. “I will make sure I solve water problems.”

Jerusha had also supplied sanitary pads to girls in schools to ensure their studies are not interrupted by lack of sanitary pads and ensure hygiene for our girls.

“We still have them in our stores, if they have not been delivered, they will be delivered soon. Let me know which school has not received them,” she said.

On the issue of water in Bokeira Ward, she sought to talk to relevant bodies including the governor through the department of water because they are responsible for water in the county.

“The county government should make sure that water is supplied even in the villages and protection of water springs in our villages,” she urged the county government. “But if they do not come to construct and protect the river you mentioned here, I will see how I will assist our women to access clean water for domestic use.”

She committed to engage the youth of the area to repair a water spring in Nasari to enable an increase in the amount of water to curb water shortages. She also promised to talk to the area MP, Joash Nyamoko, to look for means and ways of electricity connection in Bokeira Ward.

Residents complained about the poor road network in the ward, but the Women Rep said they are not under her docket.

Jerusha Momanyi with a student whom she said she will support in his secondary education. The student has been out of school due to lack of school fees. Photo/Arnold Ageta

“Roads are under the MP and others under the county government. I will still engage them to consider Bokeira ward to repair and construct roads, especially those leading to public facilities and institutions,” she said.

Jerusha promised to support a local youth club with uniforms and balls to engage them instead of engaging in gambling and playing cards in the center.

Nyamonge Assistant Chief, Vincent Ogweno, had highlighted this issue, saying most youths are idle and are playing cards all day.

“I would like to ask those youths who are idling in my sub-location to consider joining vocational colleges or technical institutions to get technical skills,” said the chief.

Jerusha also advised they youths to consider the Assistant Chief’s advice because in TVET institutions, the government is paying almost all the fees through HELB and bursaries.

“Those who will develop an interest in joining TVET, I would love to know their names, encourage them so that they can benefit from government funding.”

She said that the government pays the school fees almost the full amount and begged them to get out of the village to get skills to secure technical jobs.

“As leaders, we are ready to support the youth to acquire skills so that they can also be future leaders of this country,” she asked them.

She promised to provide umbrellas to women who do business at Nasari market and other markets in the ward to cover them from direct sunlight because they do not have market sheds.

“We also want to see how we can empower those women in the market because you all have different needs besides the umbrellas,” she said. “If we can organize you into groups to boost you, then we will.”

The Women Rep also emphasized the Inua Jamii cash transfer program, which Bokeira ward residents complained that most elderly people have been left out yet they registered.

The women rep promised to make a follow-up on the issue to ensure those who missed are captured and benefit from the program.

“Last week, there was a directive, and we were told to come and monitor how the verification of the registered elderly people is going on,” she confirmed. “Now there are some missing from the list, and we ask the government to tell us why others are missing yet they have not received death certificates?”

On the other hand, she warned those men defiling young girls in Bokeira Ward, saying soon the law will catch up with them.

“What irritates me most is when you find some men are fond of defiling young girls in the villages,” she angrily said.

Jerusha wondered why an old man would defile a young school girl when there are many women who are his age mates.

“Let me ask you, if we leave men to continue with this vice in the society, will our girls grow with dignity?” she asked.

She asked the villagers to be vigilant of such men and asked security agencies to take stern action against those found culpable.

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