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Elijah Simwamu (with the microphone) awarding the winning team (Borabu Sundwon FC) at Nyangoge Primary School after emerging the winner in the Simwamu Footbal Tournament on Saturday. Photo/Arnold Ageta

By Arnold Ageta

An aspirant in Borabu Constituency has faulted the current MP for how he has run away from issues affecting the constituency.

Elijah Simwamu, popularly known as Captain, has stated that the constituency is sick and needs urgent remedy.

“Right now, Borabu is sick, but I am happy to announce to you that we already have the much-wanted medicine,” he announced.

Speaking during the Captain Simwamu Football tournament at Nyangoge Primary School, he said Borabu is a young constituency compared to others in Nyamira County, and its development projects ceased after former Borabu MP Ben Momanyi left for the top county job.

He claims that since then, nothing has been done in the constituency.

“Hon. Ben gave good direction in terms of development, but shortly before Borabu could shine, the current MP dimmed the light, leaving the constituency in darkness,” said Simwamu.

He emphasized his love for education, which he said can cover parents’ struggles and shame through their children.

He said, “We are lucky that Borabu is the best performing county in education. Schools in Borabu are the best. Therefore, we need to take matters of education seriously and make bold decisions to improve education standards in Borabu.”

He called for more allocations to education so that the fight against illiteracy in the constituency can be won.

He termed illiteracy as the mother of all corruptions in the country that has driven many politicians to bribe voters at Ksh. 50 or 100 to vote for them every five years.

He said that politicians will not disrespect people with vote bribery when the community is literate.

“We want to empower our children academically so that in the future, we can get a generation that we can depend on and also get good leaders from,” he told the people. “That is why I am advocating for the allocation of more funds for bursaries.”

People want to feel and experience inclusivity and equal distribution of resources from the national government across the constituency.

“This is because the problems of Kiabonyoru ward are not the problems the people of Mekenene face. Problems of Esise are different from the problems faced in Nyansiongo,” he clarified. “We should have consultative leadership where people are included in decision-making and consulted on their development priorities.”

Elijah Simwamu said resources are distributed equally; everybody feels part of the process and not being left out.

He claimed that the current MP did not organize football tournaments like neighboring constituencies did. He said recently he saw teams from Kitutu Masaba and West Mugirgango play in Kisumu, and Borabu was not represented.

“Is Borabu in a different country? Why were our neighboring constituencies holding constituency tournaments, and Borabu did not?” he asked. “Those are the hard questions we must ask.”

He said roads in Borabu are in very bad condition, which looks like farms, calling for the current MP to launch road projects that must be done well and to the recommended standards.

“My agenda for Borabu is very deliberate and intentional: that I will hold hands of all groups of people, the youth, women, children, and men according to their needs,” he promised. “For now, let me concentrate on helping the people of Borabu so that when 2027 comes, you will give a scorecard for the current MP, and if he fails, I will take up leadership and develop the constituency.”

Borabu Sundown FC player gets past Kiabs FC player during the tornament where KIabs lost to Borabu Sundwon Fc. Photo/Arnold Ageta

Melen Sitengo, a resident of Nyangoge, whose two sons play for one of the teams, applauded the aspirant for sponsoring the football tournament.

“I am grateful and urge all parents who like discouraging their children from playing football to stop,” said Mellen. “Let every parent support their children who display talents so that it can be cultivated through these kinds of tournaments.”

She says her children started playing football when they were very young, and they both are football captains in their teams.

Mellen, who is also a team captain of the women’s team, said sports help children to showcase their talents instead of engaging in wrongdoing when they are idle.

She asked Simwamu to support the teams with sports gear to help them nurture their talents.

Urging the aspirant to support the youth in Borabu, agreeing with her sentiments, Victor Ondigo says the constituency has suffered for long, and now they have found someone who will support their children.

“They have suffered for long. When we see them train and play football here, we feel very happy,” he said. “We have always elected MPs who go into hiding immediately after elections. When our youths need their help, they cannot access them.”

In the tournament, Borabu Sundown FC won the tournament after beating Kiabs FC 4:0 to win the title. Borabu Sundown FC scored all four goals in the second half after John Obonyo scored the opener goal before Francis Kahindi scored the second goal.

The weak Kiabs FC suffered even more humiliation when Davis Kirumba added a third goal, and John Obonyo scored his second goal to make it four.

Borabu Sundown FC was awarded a ball and Ksh. 20,000, and Kiabs FC was also given a ball and Ksh. 15,000. Muungano FC, which came third, was awarded Ksh 10,000 and a ball, while the fourth one, Ibara FC, received a ball with Ksh. 5000.

Elijah Simwamu promised to run the tournaments in all wards in Borabu constituency before he organizes a constituency tournament that will also draw teams from all wards.

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