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West Mugirango MP, Hon. Stephen Mogaka, issuing a cheque to one of the parents during the issuance of cheques to university students who benefited from this year’s bursary program. The event took place at the CDF Hall. Photo/Dan Nyamanga.


By Arnold Ageta

More than 800 university students from West Mugirango Constituency have benefited from the CDF bursaries. Guardians and parents of the students gathered at the West Mugirango Constituency CDF Hall, where they received the cheques from the area member of parliament.

Addressing them, West Mugirango MP, Stephen Mogaka, applauded their efforts in supporting their children in various universities. “I pledge my support to these beneficiaries until they finish their studies. I will walk with them until their graduation,” the MP assured them.

He, however, asked the guardians and parents to play their part in buying personal effects to make the students feel comfortable in college. “Let us support our children. Let us pray for them because of the challenges they face as they study. Let no student drop out or defer studies due to a lack of fees,” he told them.

He further informed them that they have passed a law in parliament that will see the government issue full scholarships to university students to curb college dropouts. This move, he said, will stop the habit of politicians punishing and discriminating against those who did not vote for them.

The CDF bursary chair also indicated that another batch of 400 students who did not receive bursaries last year will also benefit from the current allocation.

The MP told the attendees that he has engaged and agreed with the county government to support students joining form one and those in form two, while CDF takes care of students in form three, form four, universities, and colleges.

Early this month, Nyamira Governor, Amos Nyaribo, issued scholarships to needy students joining form one. Besides the bursaries, he offered them with boxes and pocket money.

Nyamira South DCC Florence Obunga has also asked parents to deliver the cheques to their respective universities. She said that in the past, there has been witnessed selling of bursary cheques by parents and guardians. “Make sure the cheques are delivered to the universities, and receipts issued for the same. We would like to see the receipts upon making the payments,” she urged them.

She also asked parents and guardians to encourage their children to work hard in school because studies are their most important investment they can make. “If you have a child, tell them studies are important. We want to see them in schools and colleges. Those who did not get university entry grades should join technical training institutes to receive technical skills,” she told them.

She discouraged those parents who allow their children to venture into the bodaboda industry after completing their secondary because bodaboda riding is not sustainable and promising to the youths.

Hon. Mogaka noted that 5000 students from West Mugirango qualified to join universities in the 2023 KCSE exams. “This is very encouraging, and I can assure you that West Mugirango has the best schools and teachers. I pledge to support my schools like never before to help our students pass in their examinations,” he promised. “Because my schools are the best in Kenya, that is why I am vouching for the university in Nyamira county to be in West Mugirango.”

Hon. Stephen Mogaka addressing parents and guardians of university students at the West Mugirango CDF Hall. Photo by Dan Nyamanga.

He is rooting for the university to be established in Nyamira town because that is how the town can grow. “Let the university be established here in town. The politics of push and pull and trying to take the university to some remote areas in the county will not help us,” he said. “This is the reason why the proposed university in Kiabonyoru did not take off.”

The MP acknowledged the president’s acceptance to establish a university in Nyamira which will not only boost the growth of the town but also offer jobs to the community.

At the event, Hon. Mogaka received two students who had camped at his office since morning. The students had not reported to school where they were selected to join because they lacked school. “I will support these young girls to join form one. I will be their parent up to the university,” he assured them. He further directed one of his employees to take them to their respective schools this week.

He told the people at the event that he is not seeking publicity in the support he is giving total orphans. “For those sneaking into my constituency and parading needy students for cheap publicity on social media is wrong. You cannot use vulnerable children as a campaigning tool and for personal gain,” he observed.

The Area MP had earlier held a consultative meeting with school heads from West Mugirango at Nyamira Boys. The meeting had deliberations on improving education in the constituency and the status of school reporting for form ones. Nyamira South is expected to receive 8,159 students in its Sub County schools where 3790 are boys and 3707 are girls. According to Nyamira South DCC, Florence Obunga, 78 students were unable to join form one in Nyamira South.

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