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Outgoing Tombe Girls High School Principal Jane Nyanumba (with the microphone) holding incoming principal Rael Mokua during the handing-over ceremony at Tombe Girls. Jane Nyanumba has been transferred to Sironga Girls National High School. PHOTO/DAN NYAMANGA


By Arnold Ageta

Silence reigned Tombe Girls High School as the handing over exercise went on at the principal’s office. The handing over ceremony presided by Catherine Mwenda, Nyamira County Teachers Service Commission director in a closed-door meeting before the Board of Management and the Parents and Teachers Association.

This comes after the former principal, Jane Nyanumba was promoted and transferred to Sironga Girls National School at the beginning of this year.

The transfer which had been concealed from the students came as a surprise to them when they least expected it.

The students were called on an impromptu parade at 4pm when they were breaking classes for the day. They assembled wondering what was the parade for oblivious of the surprise awaiting them.

When the school’s chaplain was praying, he mentioned about the former principal’s transfer prompting whispers amid the prayers. The students were shocked and most of them started whispering even before the prayer ended.

When finally, the chaplain finished the prayer, students loudly talked mumbled over the transfer which was now revealed to them.

Most of them were heard saying, “mbona hawakutuambia” as the chairman of the board of management, Mr. Charles Nyandusi took the microphone to address the students.

Mr. Nyandusi recounted how Jane Nyanumba joined Tombe Girls and worked hard to see the school get extra county school status.

“Madam Jane joined Tombe nine years ago and she has now been promoted and transferred to Sironga Girls National School,” he told the students.

The chairman found difficult time calming students who became wild over the principal’s transfer but assured them that the new principal, Rael Mokua, will equally be up to task to take the school to the next level.

Mr. Nyandusi welcomed Jane Nyanumba’s promotion even as they felt sad for the transfer.

The students openly opposed the transfer wishing she was not promoted to in the form of a transfer.

“We are happy that she’s been promoted to head a national school. We wish her the best in her new station,” said Mr. Nyandusi.

Announcing the replacement of Jane Nyanumba, the BOM chair said the incoming principal has experience and skills.

“Rael Mokua is rich in experience in girls school. She has been a principal at Itibo Girls and Chwele Girls High School in Bungoma,” he concluded his speech.

When Rael Mokua took the microphone, the girls’ excitement filled the air as she greeted them and thanked them for the warm reception.

“I am delighted to join Tombe girls and wish Madam Jane well in her new assignment,” she happily said.

She promised to work hard to see Tombe Girls receive national school status. This, she said, is her target as she embarks on big dreams for the schools.

“We are in school for a purpose: to work smart, to achieve the targets of the school,” she told the school.

She called for cooperation from both the teaching and non-teaching staff to help the school grow academically, spiritually, and structurally.

She implored the students to fear God, work smart, be disciplined, have right attitude, manage time well and practice proper preparation as a key to success.

“Those are my six pillars that have seen me excel in what I do. But we will sit and develop a seventh one to make Tombe a perfect school. Tombe will be perfect,” she promised.

Jane Nyanumba, the outgoing principal at some point happy for her transfer and prometon but sad that she is leaving behind her “Blue Palace” referring to the school’s distinctive blue uniforms worn by the students.

Before her speech, she joined the students to dance and match to her favorite song.

“I love this school, it has made me grow since 2015. You have contributed greatly to my success story,” she told the students.

With an emotional; l am sad face, she said: “I am leaving but I leave you with a motherly, caring new and principal.”

She thanked her former staff for their sacrifice to the school and the girls urging them to work as tram with the new principal push the school to success.

“Thank you, my teachers for working extra time to offer quality education to our girls. Thank you support staff who gave great environment to both teachers and students,” she concluded.

The two principals were presented with flowers and cakes from teachers to show their appreciation.

The teachers also awarded the outgoing principal with two goats as their gifts as they pledged to work with the new principal and support her in her efforts to make Tombe even better.

2 thoughts on “Emotional moments mark handing-over ceremony at Tombe Girls with tears of joy and despair

  1. Douglas Motari says:

    This a good piece of information.Your work is good

  2. Madam Jane promotion came at the right moment…Sha can make it

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